Creating eagle bottle art using bottle artificial clay, cardboard, and acrylic colors can be a fun and creative project. Here's a step-by-step tutorial

 Creating eagle bottle art using bottle artificial clay, cardboard, and acrylic colors can be a fun and creative project. Here's a step-by-step tutorial 

Full tutorial video⏬⏬

Step 1: Gather the materials

Empty glass bottle

Bottle artificial clay (air-dry clay)


Acrylic colors (black, brown, white, and yellow)

Paintbrushes (various sizes)

Craft knife


Rolling pin

Water and a small bowl

Varnish (optional)

Step 2: Prepare the bottle

Clean the glass bottle thoroughly and make sure it's dry before starting.

Remove any labels or sticky residue from the surface.

Step 3: Create the base

Take a piece of cardboard and draw the shape of an eagle's head and beak using a pencil. You can refer to images online for inspiration.

Cut out the shape using a craft knife. This will serve as the base for the clay.

Step 4: Mix and condition the clay

Take a small portion of the bottle artificial clay and knead it in your hands to soften it.

Gradually add a few drops of water while kneading to achieve a smooth and pliable consistency.

Continue kneading until the clay is easy to work with and doesn't crack.

Step 5: Shape the eagle's head and beak

Roll out a small amount of clay into a thin sheet using a rolling pin.

Place the cardboard base on top of the clay and trace around it using a craft knife.

Carefully cut out the clay shape using the craft knife, following the traced lines.

Attach the clay shape onto the cardboard base, pressing it gently to ensure it sticks securely.

Use your fingers and small tools to mold the clay into the desired shape of an eagle's head and beak. Refer to reference images for guidance.

Step 6: Add details

Use smaller portions of clay to create the eagle's eyes, feathers, and other facial features.

Attach these clay pieces to the main head and beak structure, ensuring they are firmly pressed into place.

Use sculpting tools or toothpicks to add texture and fine details to the clay surface, such as feather patterns or wrinkles.

Step 7: Let the clay dry

Allow the clay to air dry completely according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. This may take a few hours or overnight, depending on the clay type and thickness.

Step 8: Paint the eagle

Once the clay is fully dry, use acrylic colors to paint the eagle's head and beak.

Start with a base layer of brown color for the head and beak. Apply multiple thin coats, allowing each layer to dry before adding the next.

Use black paint to add the eagle's eye details and outline any necessary features.

Use white and yellow paint to highlight and add depth to the eyes and beak.

Step 9: Finishing touches

Allow the paint to dry completely.

Apply a layer of varnish over the painted areas to protect the artwork and give it a glossy finish (optional).

Step 10: Display your artwork

Once the varnish is dry, your eagle bottle art is ready to be displayed.

You can place it on a shelf, table, or any other suitable surface to showcase your creation.

Remember to document each step with clear photos for your blog tutorial, providing detailed instructions alongside the images. This will help your readers follow along easily and recreate the project successfully.

Visit my youtube channel to learn more art tips and techniques.

mc art and craft


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