Can you make a wallet using saw dust? How?

You might be surprised to hear that my wallet is made of wood dust,??? 

Yes it is true.  I like brown leather wallet. I was looking for leather in the market because I wanted to make my own.  But because the sellers were all wholesalers, the leather was not available for my use. 
Photo by Cleyder Duque from Pexels

Two or three days later I needed to go to the saw mill for another purpose.  I could see the dust sticking to the cutting wood. It was an inspiration.
I took a few (about 2. kilograms) from the mill and bought about glue along the way. 

I went to my workshop, cut the 1/2 meter cloth, applied the wood-glue mixture to the outside of the cloth and dried it for a day.
After drying I started blockprinting on it.  Since the leather was brown, I gave the design green color.

I did patternmaking on the size of my pocket.  I decided on how many slots to have.

canvas, yarn, needles and glue are no longer needed.
The cut patterns were sewn according to the design, and the glue was applied there.

Now my wallet is finished.

Thank you for reading .. !

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